这就是crysis 2的主题歌了!好像是改编自一首同名的很有名的歌曲,在blue bloods的警察典礼上听过,没这个好听╭(╯^╰)╮
歌词翻译得十分不错 很有味道
This is the finish my friend, this is the end. 伙计,就要完蛋了,我们去见上帝吧! It's a revolution, it's a civillian revenge. 正在发生的是一场物种的革命,是属于我们每一个人的反抗。 There's no need to move, or adjust your television. 用不着挪动家里的电视机或者去调谐了——因为你在电视机能看到的一切都是事实 Whenever an era dies, another era begins. 时代总是在不停更迭。 These American fights, these American wars. 这是属于美国人的战斗,这是属于美国人的战争。 These American stripes, these American stars. 因为现在四处飘落着属于美利坚的星条旗。 But these American cages have American bars. 如果你说美利坚只是一个自由民主的大囚笼,但我们却有自己的快乐有自己的酒吧。 We hungered for truth so we headed for y'all. 我们为真理而抗争,我们义不容辞地开赴前线。 Towers are crumblin', bridges are fallin'. 高塔在粉碎,大桥在崩塌。 Limits are fadin', the normal is borin'. 人与人之间的界限也在消失,不要再固守变世前的陈规了,现在唯一的界限是人类和外星狗屎! Looking at time move progressively forward; 看着末日倒计时在急速地旋转; Looking at days just vanish before me 看着昔日种种美好时光成为浮云。 You wanted a benz, but you couldn't afford it. 之前你还在勒紧裤头带要去买一台奔驰。 Now you were killed to put your foot in the toilet. 刺客你却在乱葬岗上被屠戮。 It's a different of madness, and never look backwards. 这是一种前所未有的狂怒,忘记之前的种种伤痛吧。 But this is a crisis, prepare for disater. 清醒吧!这是一场危机,做好一切最坏的打算吧。 Start spreading the news, 告诉众人吧, I'm leaving today, 我要踏上不归路啦, I want to be a part of it, 我要死在这片我热爱的土地上啦, New York, New York, New York. 因为这里就是——纽约!纽约!纽约! Breaker breaker 9, breaker breaker 1,9. 911救命!911救命! Could you please get an operator on the phone line. 狗日的来人接电话啊! This is not a riot, it's way much more than that; 这不是一场暴动,这是一场前所未有的危机。 These people are dyin', we are under attack. 大伙正在被杀戮;我们正在被暴K。 Wait, let me call you back. Wait, let me get my stack. 别跑,回来!别怕,重拾你们的雄风! Cuz we aint taking shit, so therefore we're fightin' back. 因为我们不是吃屎被虐的孬种,我们决心要誓死还击。 We aint waitin' on the line for one 9, 1, 1, 9, 9; 我们不会依赖911和军队的人来帮手; Whatever man, I aint got time for all this nonsense. 是条汉子,就TMD不要在这里无奈等死! Enemy responses, aint a dial tone in our home on the continent. 外星狗屎们有动静了,但我们要做的不是电话呼叫求援。 Got me in these bandages, this jungle(that's our blunderin'). 让我的伤口布满止血条吧,在这个石屎森林里就是我们的浮世绘。 Man I swear they sleepin', they unconscious, or they slumberin'. 兄弟们我保证外星狗屎毫无防备、全无警惕。 It's how we break the peace to get a piece of what we goin' to get. 要夺回属于我们的一切,就从舍弃这一抹死亡前的寂静开始吧。 Act like we new to this, act like goin' run with it. 像新生婴儿一样毫不知畏惧地对付外星狗屎,抱着碾碎它们的决心。 Let them know we run this shit 让外星人知道它们就是一坨狗屎和渣滓, and let them just how you feel the way your country is. 让外星狗屎们知道我们有多爱这片土地。 Now look how beautiful destruction is. 回头看身后的颓垣败瓦,它们也是人类文明的美丽结晶! Start spreading the news, 告诉众人吧, I'm leaving today, 我要踏上不归路啦, I want to be a part of it, 我要死在这片我热爱的土地上啦, New York, New York, New York. 因为这里就是——纽约!纽约!纽约!