5月1日からは11歳となりますが、最後にこんな企画を開催してみたいと思います! (`・ω・′)ゞ
Good Smile is 10 years old!
Thanks to all your support over the years we’ve managed to grow more and more!
In May we will be turning 11, so to celebrate the end of our 10th year we will be running a special project!
「再販&商品化希望 総選挙」!
Resale & New Product Requests!
We’ll be listening to which products you want to see go on resale, and which characters you want to see figures of in the future! Unfortunately we can’t guarantee that all the most voted products will be put on resale or made into products, but there is always a possibility – so feel free to add your opinion!
「Cheerful JAPAN!」商品を除く、2012年4月10日現在で発売済みの全ての商品が対象となります。 ねんどろいどの再販希望は、「ねんどろいどシリーズ再販総選挙」 のボタンを押していただくと商品がズラリと並びます。
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チェックを入れて、ページ一番下にある 「上記内容で送信する」 ボタンを押すと…?
These buttons are the resale buttons!
They are divided into three categories – Nendoroid, figma and scale figures. All the products released up until 2012/04/10 (with the exception of Cheerful JAPAN! and limited edition products) will be available for you to vote on.
For example, just select the ‘Nendoroid Series Resale Button’, and then all the Nendoroids will pop up for you to select which one you want.
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You can select up to five products that you want to see go on resale!
Of course you can also select beneath five if there are only one or two figures you want to go on resale. You can only vote once though, so be careful with your vote!
Once you’ve made your selection, head to the bottom of the page and press the ‘Select These Products’ button. (上記内容で送信する)
こちらはリアルタイムに更新されていく予定ですので、回答済みの方でも、まだ回答されていない方でも、「回答せずに結果を見る」 ボタンで結果がご覧いただけるようになっています。
Then the top 20 products will be displayed!
These results will be updated in real time, so those who have voted or those that just want to see the results can simply click the ‘See Results without Voting’ button (回答せずに結果を見る), where you’ll be able to take a look at the up to date results.
「作品名」 「キャラクター名」 「ジャンル」 をご記入ください。
妖狐×僕ss : 白鬼院凛々蝶 : ねんどろいど
Fate/Zero : 雨生龍之介 : figma
KAITO : KAITO : スケールフィギュア
ぐっすまうどん : ぐま子 : ぬいぐるみ
こちらの 「商品化希望アンケート」 の投票結果は、結果ページに表示されませんのでご注意くださいね。
「色々な理由」 や 「色々な理由」 があったりします…。
The button on the top right is the ‘New Product Request’ button! (商品化希望アンケート)
You need to fill in:
‘Series Name’ (作品名) : ‘Character Name’ (キャラクター名) : ‘Product Genre’ (ジャンル).
For example…
Inu x Boku SS : Ririchiyo Shirakiin : Nendoroid
Fate/Zero : Ryuunosuke Uryuu : figma
KAITO : KAITO : Scale Figure
Good Smile Udon : Gumako : Plushie
Just input your own requests like the examples above!
Please be sure to input everything in correctly!
The deadline is the 1st May at 12:00 PM (JST)!
Please send in all your requests!!
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Finally I’d like to reiterate that there is no guarantee we can put the top figures on resale or make figures out of the most requested new products.
There are a number of reasons that could cause this, so I’m just pointing it out ahead of time… of course we will do whatever we can to get the most popular products back into production, so we look forward to seeing what you request