却 说西元2011,女主起伦敦奥运场馆,发全不列颠劳工前往修造。眼看场馆在奥运前不能造完,劳工齐聚海德公园,振臂高呼:“今失期亦死,举大计亦死,等 死,死国可乎?” 遂游行至白金汉宫和唐宁街10号大呼:“My Queen and My Prime Minister , Do you have balls?(王侯将相,宁有种乎?)
王侯将相无一人敢现身,此时大本钟忽然传来一声似狐鸣的响声,顿时万籁俱静。接着一人高 喊:“Big Ben Ring,Victor Chen King!!!the death of the blue heaven and the setting up of the golden one; a new cycle was beginning and would bring good fortune to all members. ”
正其时,恰逢某位山东籍小公务员River Song来到伦敦,在咖啡馆里感怀仕途不顺,想起落榜留学生Nest Huang留下的诗句,愤而在咖啡馆白粉墙上写下了“I dare to say Nest Huang is not a great man!!!”旋即被捕,后来被一黑人兄弟人称“black storm”的劫法场就了,当日伦敦城大乱。
却不知,此乃因果循环。当日William大婚行至西敏寺,入那Voldemort Chapel中,见石碑黄符一张上书:Opened with the Will,大喜,便对那洋和尚说道:“你等阻当我,却怎地数百年前已注定我字在此?”众人掘开石板,只见一道黑气,从穴里滚将起来,直冲到半天里空中,散 作一百零八道金光,望四面八方去了。
"Beg in the morning,and beg in the evening.Why can't poor people make a living.Open the door for our bandit king.After his came all taxes stop paying."
"Big Ben Ring,Victor Chen King!"
夜半白金汉宫里能听到狐狸叫:For Greater Good, With Robin Hood。一家英国餐厅在Fish里发现一条Chip, 上刻有:Take Her Crown To Crow。英吉利由是大乱,掀起四十八路反王,三十六处烟尘。