不知道为啥,我的弄不了,我上传了的相册的,添加后就不显示,郁闷 酱丶nokina 发表于 2014-7-15 23:05
咱现在要放慢回帖频率了...水神的称号还是给虫子吧 呃呃呃D得得得得得得的默默摸摸呢嘻嘻YY
来自:纸玄IOS客户端 我会说我无视了吐槽,直接看福利么{:11_494:} 我为福利。福利乐我{:11_494:}{:11_494:}
500 text messages
Over the course of the next 10 12 months,API STD 2015, Peterson and Walston exchanged over 11,API RP 755,500 text messages, the claim alleges. Attorney Garry Tetalman stated all of the messages have been obtained by the Sheriff Office, and that his office has copies,API RP 54, as well. In an early correspondence, Peterson reportedly told Walston that he intended to run for the County Board of Supervisors,API RP 520 P2, and that he planned on retiring from the Sheriff Office in the spring of 2015.Pictured here are Guillermo Sosa Suarez of St. Peter Hospital,API SPEC 5CT, third from left, and Andalib Nawab of Ellis Medicine, second from right. Sosa Suarez received the Physician of Excellence in Electrophysiology Award, and Nawab received the Donald Led Duke Heart Hero Award.
21-53-3654 god4711 发表于 2014-7-15 13:51
....你已经成功当上水怪了得斯{:11_520:} 哈哈,这期福利给力,有点可以看 水水更健康~~~{:11_494:}{:11_494:}{:11_494:}