Please Give me [good thing]
本帖最后由 绝地少女 于 2013-5-16 22:31 编辑alright right this bbs is not hot....
i want to download (You know... Ero resource)
but Other Site or network drive say This resource has deleted
I only come here
22:18 edit
but now oh crap you need bbs-level and report
just say you need more ex-point or complete the task
but here question is online users
if users =0 or 5< this task is never complete
不是资源有没有被删的问题、是楼主的用户组基本不够、、{:9_468:} 为毛我看到有点代码了??
Juster 发表于 2013-5-16 22:25 static/image/common/back.gif
see 22:18 (i used the android pad for report) 绝地少女 发表于 2013-5-16 22:38 static/image/common/back.gif
see 22:18 (i used the android pad for report)
OMG...can you speak in chinese??
繁体或者简体都行..象形文字也可以的 那個老友記的任務 討論版的在綫人數小於5就沒得做了 {:qiu:}看不懂啊看不懂 加好友那个任务不用做也没关系的,还有装毛b说英文啊,android就不能打中文了? 一阵一阵的蛋疼感,一波一波的袭来{:5_105:} 看英文好麻烦的,还是习惯中文