Assassin's Creed III is going to be one of the year's biggest games...literally.In speaking to NowGamer, Ubisoft Montreal creative director Alex Hutchinson explains how they wanted to build on the core concepts of the franchise, so as to give the fans an entirely new - yet still familiar - experience."The goal with the new game was to take the core features of Assassin’s Creed in terms of navigation, combat and stealth and to apply them to new environments. We didn’t just want to add features, we wanted to take players to entirely new worlds and show them entirely new styles of gameplay.Our goal with Connor was to create a character that is as comfortable climbing cliffs and moving through trees, fighting on uneven terrain and hiding in forests, as Altair and Ezio were comfortable in cities. While many games have built forests, we want to show people that forests can be fully realised gameplay environments and not just obstacles to avoid."As for the size, Hutchinson reconfirmed a fact we already knew, that the frontier map would be about 1.5 times the size of Rome in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. But he also elaborated on what we'll see: There will be historical locations like Valley Forge, Lexington and Concord, and it's a realistic combination of wilderness and villages. Plus, Hutchinson says they're implementing new mission delivery systems (the "Clubs" is an example), and we'll be able to hold more than one active mission in our mission queues at any given time. ...sounds very RPG-ish, yes?In the end, he said we should anticipate a "vast" experience and they "can't wait to get it into people's hands." Yeah, well, we ca't wait, either.意思翻譯:(好吧,我把原文網的意見刪了)
在與NowGamer的訪谈中,Ubisoft蒙特利爾(加拿大)的創意總監Alex Hutchinson解釋说他們有多么想通过建立该系列的一个核心概念(而開發此游戏系列),所以因此本作将給粉絲們带来一個全新但又熟悉的游玩體驗.
至於本作的地圖大小方面,Hutchinson的回答和我们以前知道的差不多, 即本作的地图大小將會是《刺客信条:兄弟会》中的羅馬地域的1.5倍。同时他也指出當中會有很多歷史古迹,例如Valley Forge,Lexington,和Concord,而(他認為)荒野與鄉村这种组合才是最真實的組合。除此之外,Hutchinson还向我们透漏了他們正在開發的任務系統(例如Clubs),玩家可以在任何时间中在任务列表里面建立一个以上的任务。
第三部,快出吧!!!!大爱!!! 非常期待刺客教條3
不過3帶把時代跳那麼遠是有點錯亂= =
不過 還是比較喜歡E叔 雖然很老了
但是大叔比較討人喜歡XD~~ 虽然不怎么玩游戏,不过不得不说,这个挺赞的。。。。。 a !独立战争都出来了啊? 希望3代的结局中有更多关于过去历史的信息 期待第三部赶紧出现! 这次好像出现了美国西部的武器了 难道场影从欧洲变成美国西部? 1783年了。。拳刃斧子啥的还能拯救世界么。。
{:5_156:}预感新主角无法超越E叔。。。 记得是今年十月份发售挺厚道的一个游戏啦 不错不错