【04.21】谣言:第一款Kinect 2游戏将会是镜之边缘2~
We know that there is a new Xbox on the way and we assume that with the launch of that new Xbox there will be a new Kinect as well. This new Xbox and Kinect and probably not due for a while, but that doesn’t mean that developers have not started working on games for this future console yet.
Now, according to an industry insider, EA is already working on a Kinect 2 game, a game out of a series that we know would work very well with Kinect…Mirror’s Edge
Now this is all still a rumor but if it were to be true and EA would bring out an official statement around this, then Mirror’s Edge 2 would be the very first confirmed Kinect 2 game! We’ll keep you posted!
现在,根据我们所得到的一些业内消息,EA公司现在正在为Kinect 2准备游戏,而这个游戏是在Kinect上很有名的——镜之边缘。
现在这只是一个谣言,但是我们很希望EA真的给我们带来一个关于这个的官方消息,镜之边缘2将会成为第一款Kinect 2的游戏!我们将继续关注!
哇又是沙发~﹏~支持的说 镜之边缘以前好很有印象的说 没想到居然搬到KINECT上面了 不错 跑起来估计挺带感……但是估计客厅足够大才行 他是要起飞呢还是降落= 这个看起来好像挺好玩的样子 谣言,谣言而已。
{:dese:}{:dese:} 那尼 难道不出在pc上了··?? 话说这游戏玩了我半小时就头晕 = = {:yihuo:}{:yihuo:}