默片_安可 发表于 2012-4-21 03:02


Square Enix may have been listening to your fervent pleas after all - as it looks like cult hit DS adventure The World Ends With You may finally be getting a sequel. Whoa. Now before you freak out and start crying and all that, keep in mind that the existence of this sequel hasn't been confirmed yet... but recent comments from series co-creator Tetsuya Nomura make a pretty convincing argument.

The news comes from a recent interview with Japanese magazine Nintendo Dream (as translated by Andriasang). In it, Nomura not-so-subtly commented that Square Enix made the decision to add voice acting for previously-silent lead character Raimu's cameo in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance "out of consideration of the future of The World Ends With You series."

Not convinced? Just wait, there's more. When asked what his plans were for the franchise's future, Nomura said, "Regarding The World Ends With You, I can't say anything at present... (laughs). But there probably is something."

Square Enix最終有機會聆聽到你們的熱切的請求吧. 因為看起來DS上非主流的冒險遊戲 美妙世界 終於可能出續集.Whoa.
在你們被嚇壞及感動到流淚等,你們必須知道這是未確定的,但從近來系列共同製作人 野村的留言中可得幾有說服力的根據.

這新聞來自近日一篇與野村訪問的日文雜誌中(ニンテンドドリーム,直譯作 任天堂夢).於當中,野村不太徵妙的指出 Square Enix 已經作出決定為之前於KH3D中沉默的客串主角(尾藤 来夢/ライム)加入配音,即使沒有決定該系列的未來.



272826653 发表于 2012-4-21 09:45

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