pppp3k 发表于 2012-4-1 20:56

wololo今天宣布退出PSV破解领域 原因是压力太大

  今天是4月1日愚人节,开玩笑应该是情理之中的事情,不过如果大家看到以下的消息,不知道还会不会一笑置之呢:wololo宣布退出PSV破解!  根据wololo自己的描述,是因为来自各方面的压力实在太大,包括官方、喷子等等,使之不得不选择退出这一块的研究。在我们觉得惋惜的同时,大家不妨也来读一读wololo放出的原文内容,然后也顺便留意一下每一段落的第一个字母吧,答案我们懂的。  原文内容:  For a while now I’ve been thinking about leaving the PSP/Vita scene. I’ve been active on the PSP scene for more than 5 years, first as a homebrew user, then as a homebrew programmer, then as a hacker, and recently focusing on blogging/managing the community as well as exploring the new PS Vita. It’s been a fun ride, but everything has to end one day or the other.  On the one hand, these 5 years have been some of the most exciting in my life. I’ve met plenty of awesome people, some of them who left before me, some of them who will leave after me. I’ve created a homebrew I’m proud of, which hopefully will keep going on, I’ve directly contributed to opening the PSP 3000, the PSP Go, and the PS Vita to homebrews, I’ve organized the biggest PSP homebrew competition ever, and I’m proud to think I’ve helped people gathering knowledge on these systems, through my tutorials and the /talk community.  On the other hand, all of this takes lots of time, and I’ve had my share of pressure recently with the Vita exploits. It seems the community is not ready for more hacks, and I understood the message.  Last but not least, I want to thank everybody who’s helped me in the past 5 years, it’s been a blast.  So long, PSP scene.

z783186136 发表于 2012-4-1 21:08


aaddllss 发表于 2012-4-1 21:53


kosmosmax 发表于 2012-4-1 21:54


fred00197 发表于 2012-4-1 21:55


Alex0711 发表于 2012-4-1 22:06


afmain 发表于 2012-4-1 22:21


clandyuki 发表于 2012-4-1 22:36


dujiaoshou321 发表于 2012-4-1 22:53

今天 是愚人节吧~!

zhou650201 发表于 2012-4-1 23:38

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查看完整版本: wololo今天宣布退出PSV破解领域 原因是压力太大