本帖最后由 街舞的胖小子 于 2011-12-25 18:35 编辑近日,著名破解者wololo在其网站上公开了关于PSV破解的最新信息,他在文中称虽然PSV的加密机制很强大,但是制作HBL也不是一件不可能的事,因为之前Teck4已经发现了漏洞。不过在美版发售之前,wololo并不想有太大动作,毕竟索尼一个补丁就可以解决问题。虽然只是一些放风一样的消息,不过我们可以看到当年破解PSP的诸位高手如今都在研究PSV的破解,关于他们的最新动态,还请关注电玩巴士的后续报导。
下附wololo原文: Last week, an exploit on the PS Vita through the PSP emulator was announced by Mamosuke. The exploit was found by Teck4, and, we won’t stress it enough, is a PSP exploit that gives us user mode access within the PSP emulator on the Vita. So this is not a Vita exploit per se, but it’s still very cool. Mamosuke confirmed this with a video a few days ago, and today I was able to confirm the exploit myself as shown in the video below (and I must admit that I spent way too much time working on that basic flame effect). The video below shows the exploit running on both a PSP 1000 and the PS Vita. I spent a good amount of time today confirming some of my hopes that it will be possible to run HBL, at least to some extent, with that exploit. It doesn’t mean I have ported HBL to the Vita yet, but I have strong hopes this will be possible. A handful of hackers are working on bringing HBL to the Vita (I won’t mention their names here as I don’t know if they want to be contacted on the subject), and it should be “relatively” easy to get something to work fairly soon. (It should be noted though that the Vita is quite sensitive and crashed on me several times when it went into “sleep” mode from the exploit screen… from there – am I just paranoid? – it seems it is impossible to reboot the machine for almost 10 minutes, which made me think I had bricked my vita… could it be a anti-hacking security? If the console detects several crashes, it takes longer to boot, in order to prevent brusteforce types of attacks?) I won’t discuss any release yet, it doesn’t depend on me only (this is, after all, Teck4′s exploit), but if I have my opinion to give on the subject, I would suggest to wait until the Vita is released in Europe and in the US. This gives us some time to polish HBL on this device, and hopefully the vulnerabilities we use to run HBL won’t have been patched by then. This is of course just a challenge with little to no practical interest… once we publicly reveal the exploit (in particular, the game used in it), it will be extremely easy for Sony to patch it (or remove the game from the Playstation Store), so probably only a few people will be able to benefit from it… but only time will tell, there is still hope, after all, that Sony doesn’t care about a tool that allows us to run user mode psp homebrews in a sandboxed emulator.P.S:我还是继续玩我的3DS吧{:9_468:},再加个今年的愿望是有谁能送我台PSV{:9_486:}转自 TGBUS 本帖最后由 RUANHUO 于 2011-12-25 18:48 编辑
{:shangxin:}PSV一直在观望中,如果能直接玩PSP游戏,而不是还要花钱进行再下载转化,就想直接入手了。 {:5_96:}如果是这样儿的话.....我也得考虑搞一个区..... 穷BB表示只有破解了才能入手PSV…… 穷BB表示只有破解了也未必有钱能入手PSV…… 先坐着围观一段时间,我等穷孩子只用看土豪日西就行了 非常不错感谢罗非常不错感谢罗 非常不错感谢罗非常不错感谢罗 总之要是破解的话还是有想法入手的{:5_149:} 期待破解哈!!!!