58% of Indie Devs Say Nintendo Difficult to Deal With
作为对比,Xbox Live Arcade有16%开发者认为是“很容易”到“一般般”, 48%认为困难。让人欣慰的是PlayStation Network开发满意度达到了62%,而安卓、Facebook、iOS、 Steam等平台的满意度就更加高了。
当然那些认为任天堂开发环境糟糕的开发者并没有表态说放弃任天堂的平台,只是如果任天堂想认真对待Wii U取得一些成绩的话,就应该多加重视第三方。
A survey of around 200 independent developers, asking which formats the teams had supported and planned to continue working on in future. Sadly, Nintendo consoles sit right at the bottom.
The survey asked developers what they believe to be the most important factor in choosing a platform to work on, with the most influential being ease of working with the platform holder, just above the platform's install base. As a follow-up, developers were asked to rate their past experiences, and it doesn't make good reading for Nintendo
21% rated Nintendo as "very easy" to work with, and a further 21% described their experience as "so-so"; 37% called Nintendo "difficult", with 21% going as far as "excruciating". As a point of comparison, Xbox Live Arcade came out worse with just 16% of developers rating their experience as "very easy" or "so-so" and 48% saying it was "excruciating". However, PlayStation Network sits on a satisfaction rating of 62%, with Android Marketplace, Facebook, iOS and Steam all ranking higher.
Of course many independent developers continue to support Nintendo with downloadable games, but we can all agree the company has plenty of improvements to make if Wii U is to become a serious challenger in the digital space.
任天堂在吃老本 NDS和will系列游戏机我还真不看好 3DS现在软件疲软,再加上最近的降价,危险啊 3DS现在软件疲软,再加上最近的降价,危险啊 还是等psp2出吧 哈哈 让psp收购吧{:dudu:} 不是开发人员的能力不够,是机器本身的配置不够。
老任有时候很固执,就拿NDS来说吧,他要弄双屏,大家就只好跟着他玩创意。我钦佩他一心追求游戏性的精神,不过不应该把自己的理念强加给别的开发商。我觉得提供一个好的平台,让大家都能发挥出所长才是一个主机制造商该做的。 不知大家那里3DS都什么价格啊~~ 现在的3ds上有几个作品值得期待啊